Does your family need to catch up on their checkups?

Healthy kids and grownups need a doctor’s checkup once a year. Here’s why.

What happens at a checkup?

At an annual checkup, your doctor might assess your overall health by measuring things like height, weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, or cholesterol levels. They will make sure you’re as up to date as you’d like to be on your vaccinations and screenings for health risks like cancer. And you’ll have a simple conversation about how you’re feeling.

Got concerns about new challenges or health needs? It’s the perfect time to get your questions answered.

4 ways checkups keep you healthy

  1. Get sick less by learning good health habits and catching up on vaccinations.
  2. Screen for major health risks. Diseases like cancer are easier to treat if you catch them early.
  3. Keep your records current by updating medications and family history. If you need treatment in the future, your doctor will know how to care for you.
  4. Know your doctor so it’s easy to ask questions and get good health information when you need it.

Make an appointment now

Call your family doctor today to set up an annual checkup.

Need a doctor? VNA takes patients with all types of insurance or none at all.
